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What side to install the sticker

Where and on what side to install the sticker is a critical decision to a successful system. Furthermore, check out the “Rule of Thumb”  guide on how to install the transponder correctly.

Side to Install the Sticker – Find Where Your Antenna Is

When assessing where to place a HeadlightSticker™, it is essential to know where the antenna will be relative to the entering vehicle.

For example:

  • First, identify if the antenna on the left or right side?
  • Next, see if the antenna is down low by the barrier arm, or mounted on a six foot pole?

Next: Which side?

This one is common sense because the antenna is on the driver’s side, then it is on the driver’s side to install the sticker

Conversely, if the antenna is on the passenger’s side, then place the sticker on the passenger’s side headlamp.

Third: How high is the antenna?

A typical sedan may not have many options. However, vehicles with large or complex headlight shapes offer more placement options for the HeadlightSticker™. For example, you may want to place the sticker on a front-facing part of the headlamp for a lower antenna. Alternatively, place it toward the top for a higher antenna.

Now is a great time to use your rule of thumb to find a place where your HeadlightSticker™ will point at the antenna. Simply, keep the base of your hand flat against the headlight and point your thumb out. If your thumb points towards the reader, then you’re good.