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Is there such a thing as reading too fast? Absolutely!

Don’t overload your access control system with useless reads

Firstly, RFID technology is used in endless industries, not just in access control. However, it is a problem when solutions for other industries cause problems in the access control world.

There are industries that need to read a dozen times per second. Although, when it comes to vehicular access control, once per second is more than enough. Anything more is reading too fast.

High Read Rates and Potential Issues

Try running an activity report on a reader that reports over a hundred access reads per second. Unfortunately, a car sitting in front of the gate for 5 minutes can cause this issue.

The Problem of Idle Vehicles

So, why is the car just sitting there? The RFID reader reads any transponders it can see. It then reports back to the access control software.

Causes of Data Flooding

For instance, if the driver has an invalid transponder and is waiting to get in, the software gets flooded. Moreover, if they are checking something on their phone, it adds to the unnecessary data.

Consequences of System Overload

Consequently, this causes the system to read too fast. When computers overload, they slow down, which can be catastrophic at a busy gated entry.

The Solution: HeadlightSticker™ Readers are purpose built for access control

We purposefully built the PlugNGo™ Long Range and Extended Long Range RFID Readers for vehicular access control. That means we designed the reader to work with industry standard access control systems. Our readers aid in installations, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Additionally, the readers work with any access control system. It uses the globally compatible Wiegand 26-bit communication protocol.

Finally, the reader self adjusts based on site conditions for optimal effectiveness. Finally, you can set it and forget it and they’ll integrate with your access control software.

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Wrapping Up

In conclusion, it is essential to ensure that RFID readers do not overload access control systems with unnecessary data. While some industries require rapid reading speeds, vehicular access control benefits from a more measured approach. Reading just once per second is sufficient. Excessive reads can flood the system, causing it to slow down and potentially leading to significant delays at busy gated entries.

To prevent such issues, choose HeadlightSticker™ Readers. The PlugNGo™ Long Range and Extended Long Range RFID Readers are specifically designed for vehicular access control. They seamlessly integrate with industry-standard systems and self-adjust to optimize performance based on site conditions. By choosing purpose-built solutions, you can enhance efficiency and reliability in your access control setup. Furthermore, regular maintenance and monitoring can help ensure your system remains effective and efficient.